Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXSHADE-THE-CONQUERORXx, Jan 25, 2014.

  1. hey fellow kawers
    Wanna help potatoes(; ?
    JOIN THE P.P.A now please
    And help us groww!!
    I will love you guys so much!!
    Help a fellow kawer out
    Need some big hitters to join
  2. eFarmony likes to eat potatoes...
  3. This is for wc. If you want to make a clan thread then check out Serpent's thread. Here's a link viewtopic.php?f=7&t=82957
  4. Good luck on your clan but next time put more effort into threads
  5. I like to eat efarmony...
  6. Carnage is the best desert. :3