New clan idea!

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by NBK_pro_NBK, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. TL;DR: Shut up and read it

    So I'm just gonna get straight to the point here.

    You're seal just expired and your short a few bil for your upgrade and your out of seals. Where ya gonna go? A seal farming clan. As of right now there are no seal farming clans that i know of. B2b war-beasts doesn't count. I am thinking of making a rotating clan that consists of All the t1 ebs, rotwb when horn available,reckoning, haunts and htes when avail and other seal dropping ebs . Now these will be the only ONLY ebs ran.

    Well how can this help you?
    1) Activity is rewarded… literally
    2) You always have a chance of getting a seal
    3) Fast ebs
    4) Lots o' ploonder
    5) Moar seals
    6) Moar Ploonder

    Now I'm posting this for feed back and let me know if you would join this before i spend the 20 bil on it
  2. So
    I could be wrong, but I think lack of feedback means no.
  3. 20 bil? On what?
  4. But there are seal hunting clans..
  5. There are b2b TSG clans and TSG has a high SoD drop rates.