ok guys i was thinking and im sharing this with yall to see your ideas !! ok i was thinking that if kaW develop new buildings (minor)which can generate gold , so players who arent so active can have a income. please right your comments on this!
I'm against it for the same reason you want it. If people aren't active, they don't deserve to get money without song anything.
Dude, you realise say 1m every 5min, 49 of those= 50m every 5min=600m an Hour. THATS WHEN UR SLEEPING. That alone can cause kaw to self destruct into a ugh...idk 0 stat but income game!
I could go on a one week holiday... 600 mil and hour, 24 hours a day. 600 x 24= ~14 bil a day. 14bil x 7 days= 95 bil. That's for a week doing nothing... I have never had that kind of money, and I'm 2 mil combined
I'm not a fan of the gold building idea. Let's say you start a alt. go inactive 5 months comeback and have enough to lowland lc and then some. Yeah I'm good with no gold generators
If this would come out, the Inflation from that would skyrocket building prices, ALLY PRICES, Land Cost, etc. Think, now 1B ally has maybe 60k stats (being good) if you add money buildings, one of those allies would cost 25B EASILY! eventually 100B
btw bob, thanks 4 doing the math on page 1. i was going to make a guess at 100B but i didnt add it in msg.
@op - go play FarmVille or city story or any of those sorts of games that give u revenue generation like that.
Im not even gonna read al the answers. Just gonna say this is lame and doesnt make sense. A building for free gold to inactives? That would lead to lots of flaws and glitches. Hpw about i make an alt and make it inactive after im land complete with ur gold build huh. ?? Yeah nice banking account. Make gold warring! Dont b babies
lol who said 600mill an hour omg :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: i was saying we buy the buildings lets say they cost 25bill to max upgrade and let the dev decide how much they should give per hour or every few minute 600mill is alot for hour lol :lol: lets say like after 24hour if u didnt collect ur money the building will stop generating money.... :ugeek: