New buildings

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Gear (01), Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Heard the new buildings were named, what were they? Just curious since I messed them lol
  2. First thread I evar posted.....time for a shamless self-bump!
  3. I don't know what they are called
  4. Har har can't even read that on iPod :/ no zoom
  5. Still no answers........:( might as well wall tmh or cowlegend
  6. Well, alot of people are saying they're new tiers, not buildings. But I have heard the names of some possible units. Disciple of shadow, goblin spy and some others I forget
  7. Iron titan
    fire elemental
    disciples of shadow
    goblin spy
    pink unicorns

    forgot rhe last one lol - unicorns is the rumor xD
  8. The last one is siege dragon
  9.  thanks for reminding me
  10. Thanks guys but tmh is saying they haven't been revealed yet.....not sure if trolling or genuine rumour.......
  11. Wheres the killer Sponge & his Idiot Starfish sidekick in all of this kafuffle?
  12. Really? Tmh was the original one to say the names and that the devs announced it in wc..
  13. Weather its trolling or a real rumor I just hope there's disciple of shadow, sounds so awesome
  14. It was pink dolphins not unicorns
  15. hehehe you can't read this
  16. Are you sure you asked the real tmh? There are copycats... Im sure tmh was the one to give us this info... And he doesnt joke around (much)
  17. Actually he said the buildings weren't revealed but he didn't say anything about units....only thing I can think of
  18. Yah... He and others said devs announced the names of the units of the buildings. New buildings in the near future have been confirmes. The names are
    fire elemental
    siege dragon
    irton titan
    disples of shadow
    goblim spy

    apparently, also it id said "they said they were omly working on the artisitic finishes"
  19. So why is there five names? Will the guild have two different builds now
  20. I hope the new buildings come out soon