Hello everyone, I am not an extremely well known player but I help and would like to see KaW become better and better. So with my 4(close to 5) years of playing and seeing the changes I will now post some ideas that I have seen and some I have not seen. I would also like for everyone to say other ideas or if someone else had the same idea so I can cite it.(hope it is good) Clan Improvements Mass Messaging(idea presented by GuNnYLepine) •This would be limited to admins/owners(co-owners if ever added). As the name says you be able to send a message to every member of clan(shows up on wall) without going through that pain staking process of doing it one at a time. New spots in clan •As we all know Owner/Admin has been the only "true" title in a clan. But with this addition there would be... 1.Co-Owner- Have u ever merged clans? Well for those of us who have this spot would help a lot in giving equal powers of clan to both parties. This spot has the same powers as an owner but just a different name(Limited to 2 in a clan) 2. Treasurer- This person would be in control of The Clan Bank(Stock hold of money where u can buy bonuses for clan members with gold/money). The Owner and Co-Owner/s would both be given the last say. 3. War Commander- he is the one that says,"Yea we are at war with this clan." The Clan Bank(idea presented by Swift-Assassin) •This is where the Treasurer buys the improvements for the clan 1. More Spots(100b first spot going up by 10b each new spot maxing out at 20) 2. Clan bonuses • % of plunder • Stat boost(Same as ones from ebs) 3. Clan Clan "Equipment" •Kind of like the equipment players have but for clans and could be upgraded(would be bought with Gold/Mith/Money) War Commanding • Where the War Commander sets your clans relationships with other clans 1. Enemies- puts(-) by the players name(of the opposing clan) and can only be seen when u are in the clan 2. Neutral- Is left blank until the clan is set as friendly/an enemy 3. Friends- puts( ) by the players name(of the opposing clan) and can only be seen when u are in the clan Example- War commander of clan ABC sets clan CBA as enemy giving all the members of CBA(-) by their name(automatically sets CBA as enemy of ABC). This will show up in Wc, by players name when looking at profile, and shows up by the clan it's self when viewing the clan page. 5⃣Banning players(idea presented by RL-SirKross-RL) • We have all had that pesky little guy who will not quit applying to a clan that is way too big for him or hey the clan just does not like the guy. Well for what ever reason having a Ban/Unban button on a players name would help filter out the good from the bad. 1. This would be on the players profile and could only be used if u are an owner/admin of a clan. 2. It would be like the Broken Sword spell(for Devs purpose) in which it keeps a player from being able to apply to the selected clan. _____________________________________ Player Improvements Animals of War •Kind of like equipment but is in a separate area and still gives a static/% boost(can also be plunder boost) 1.The Dragon •This will be set more towards heavy attack builds giving(7%Attack/Defense,1%spy/spy defense) 2.The Tiger •This will be a more balanced pet(3%All) 3.The Snake •This will be set towards spies(gotta love our spies) since snakes strike from the shadows(1%Attack/Defense, 7%Spy attack/Spy defense) Those are just a few ideas for the Pets that could be added into the game.(Will add in a better description for all Pets once I get around to it) •Upgrading Animals 1. Fighting- The more that you partake in PvP the stronger your fury(or scaley) friend will grow 2. Enchantment- Using another form of Mith you would be able to grow your buddy into a bigger and bigger fighting power 3. Grows over time- As we all know this game is about time and pacents and this would fit in perfectly. Lvl1->Lvl2(3days) Lvl2->Lvl3(5days) Lvl3->Lvl4(7days) Lvl4->Lvl5(10days) • This is a link for another thread about Battle Pets/ Animals of War viewtopic.php?f=18&t=170853 Inactivity Timer •Yes this has its pros/cons(they will be listed) but it has been asked for many times. ✅Pros✅ 1. Helps find active allies 2. Helps find out if a clan member is active Cons 1. Can/Will give away sleeping times Avatars •Allows us to see what we look like in our equipment 1. Select what gender/skin color/hair color/ect. at the start of game(for older players when ever it is introduced u just do the same process) 2. How kickass would it be to see a guy decked out in maxed out equipment(or the low equipment with a spike head and hairy legs) 3. Hey I just want to see this Player Bios • Gives a place for players to express ourselves and tell our story and the battles we have fought/lost 5⃣Trading and Buying/Selling Equipment(idea presented by llIllII_-Lord-of-War-_lIIIlIll) • Ever had a rusting sword just sitting there or some embarrassing hairy legs and though why can't I just get rid of these things. Well with the Equipment Market all of your problems(well at least the equipment related ones) will be fixed. 1. Trading with Friends- - As the title says you would be able to trade equipment with friends. Say u have some older equipment and your friend needs it well now you can trade with each other(this would prompt making friends which is a big part of this game) 2. The Equipment Market - This would not be a player with player due to the many issues of giving gold/nobs to one account. This would be kind of like buying war equipment. You would go to the Market and scroll down until you find the equipment you are looking for(has a set price determined by the Devs) and you know just Buy it. _____________________________________ ️Events/Promos️ PvP events • One person hits another person gets items and at the end u get rewards 1. I would first like to say thx for changing the game up and maybe bringing back some players 2. As u have already said u will be working on improving the aspects and dealing with the players who have no wish to be hit PvE Events •Kind of like PvP but instead of hitting other players u get your items from Epic Battles and get the rewards at the end 1. I would like to see more seals/horns given out(yes I know that is money not being made but it is a drug. One HTE and nothing else is the same) 2. Make it shorter. Most people will lose interest after 2weeks and some before. x2/x3 promos •Like the summer promos of '13 when certain ebs gave x2/x3 the gold(which lead to HTE and RotWB) 1. This got many people growing fast and keeping the littles closer to the smalls. Now with HTE/RotWB the game is turning towards a pay-to-play or be here for years 4⃣Activity Rewards • Most games offer rewards that by logging in for x amount of days you get X rewards and I would like to see this added into KAW 1. Crystals • Ever had an enemy or an EB that was giving you troubles well you would go to your local store and buy a fresh batch of Crystals to finish it up(1 every 3-4days) 2. Nobility •The virtual money in KaW(1-3 every 3days) 3. Plunder/stat boost • Gives a boost to money made or your kingdoms strenght(1 every 3-4days) • Duration- 1day from time of login 4. Horns/Seals • Best possible way to earn gold(horn every 5days/seal every 10-12days) 5. Misc. • Ranges from free mith to free building tokens(used as fillers) ______________________________________ Thx for reading I will add more and cite information as it is pointed out. I will try to update every 1-2days depending on how crazy life is. Be sure to check out my other thread Weekend Wars and give ideas on how to improve them. LordBrightBlade
Support! I have also had a similar idea/post somewhere before. I have seen situations where there are co-owners, and owner gets passed to one, they didn't realize it and left the clan, then POOF, the clan is gone. By having a multi-owner system, this problem would be prevented. I would also like to see a system implemented where Owners/Co-Owners can add members to certain "Grouplists" so that if a member leaves the clan, when they come back the title of that member is restored, and if the member is an admin, the admin ability is restored. It would also be nice to have a "banlist", so that if a player is banned from a clan, an unknowing admin doesn't accidently let them back in. Admins can add bans, but only Owners/Co-Owners and Head-Admin(Council Members too if that becomes a part of structure) can Unban.
Thx sir I will add that in and thx for reading some if not all of it. I hope it was not totally boring I tried to add in a few jokes here and there to keep people reading
Support i mentioned the idea of clan upgrades help highlight the more "Elite" clans and i feel he did a great job of mentioning it with some cool ideas!
I think a group messaging system would be cool. Make it so you could put player names and it would add them to the message. It would work better Because you could add everyone in the clan, get a select group of friends, or just have admins from the clan. It allows for more flexibility than just admin/owner chat. You could also get a bunch of players together and make a hidden clan or something.
Added in activity bonuses Remember if u have any ideas wall/pm/post on here and I will add it giving u full credit for the idea(unless u are getting it from someone else)
Thx I just might. I am hoping that the devs take some of these ideas and hit the group running(the pet more then anything else)
Support on the clan improvements! Sadly this has been introduced years ago yet the devs do not decide to act upon it. Co-Owner would be damn kick ass though.
We have avatars, what do you think you flag is, what we need is more of them. But meh support would make the game more enjoyable