Newly-risen from the nether realm, Moutos the Malevolent must feed... Grab your clan and complete this newly released Epic Battle in the Scrag the Bloodless series for your chance to discover new relics. Collect the appropriate scrolls, and reveal the true power of this trinket and chestpiece! Update @ 7:45PM PDT Thanks for reporting the issue everyone, we're looking into why this is happening, and have temporarily disabled the EB at this time. We'll provide an update as soon as we have more information. Update @ 8:30PM PDT The issue has now been resolved and the EB is available once again.
Lol c'mon bud u have a long ways to go n play yet. Clans r of different sizes for a reason. Well run clans have eb scheds that suit their needs n sizes.
Lol.. No scrolls;( Letting u know kaw. Feels like it's same as was the dropping rate , more Likely the drop decreased ;( Lol
they should release stats of the equipment like in the last event, just so people know its worth spending months to get