Guide to becoming a Majesty This guide will show you ways to become Majesty. The build: Majesty build is Summoning circles with guilds. He has lcbc(Land complete build complete)and he lcbced atleast 4 times. Majesty has also bought all the pro packs. He spent thousands of his own money on this game. Pro packs give you the pro symbol. Reaper_ has about 20,000 less stats the Majesty. It IS NOW possible to BEAT Majesty with the new buildings. Majesty's wall: If you post hire me on Majesty's wall he will block you. You should not do this because you might need his help later. Majesty reseting: Many people would like Majesty to reset because they call him a noob. A noob is an annoying person that you don't like. Chances of Majesty resetting is probably 1 in a million. If he were to reset people would be shocked and people will race to become #1 on the lb(leaderboard). If he does check the forums. You will see Majesty in each topic. Well I hope this will make you understand Majesty's power. Good luck, to Majesty and all.
Correct guide: Guide to becoming a Majesty This guide will show you ways to become Majesty. The build: Majesty build is Summoning circles with guilds. He has also bought all the pro packs. He spent thousands of his own money on this game. Pro packs give you the pro symbol. Reaper_ has about 20,000 less stats the Majesty. It IS NOW possible to BEAT Majesty with the new buildings. Majesty's wall: If you post hire me on Majesty's wall he will block you. You should not do this because you might need his help later. Majesty reseting: Many people would like Majesty to reset because they call him a noob. A noob is an annoying person that you don't like. Chances of Majesty resetting is probably 1 in a million. If he were to reset people would be shocked and people will race to become #1 on the lb(leaderboard). If he does check the forums. You will see Majesty in each topic. Well I hope this will make you understand Majesty's power. Good luck, to Majesty and all.
Who cares about a guiide and all that nonsense u wrote ? Lol u stupid get a life and stop posting nonsense posts muhahahaha
Whats the opossite of a bump. They should drop this to the bottom of all forums. I think that you dont know anything about Majestys build. Devs, please DROP this thread to the bottum of the list?
Yea seriously u making people wanna hate majesty now cuz of ur many nonsense posts about him don't make nonsense posts and don't waste peoples time plz muhahahahah
UPDATE _________________________________ Guide to becoming a Majesty This guide will show you ways to become Majesty. The build: Majesty build is Summoning circles with guilds. He has also bought all the pro packs. He spent thousands of his own money on this game buying pro packs. Pro packs give you the pro symbol. It IS NOW possible to BEAT Majesty with the new buildings. Laoda is close but her allies aren't good enough so she can't beat him. Majesty's wall: If you post hire me on Majesty's wall he will block you. You should not do this because you might need his help later. Some people just ask him to block them. Just don't bother him. Majesty reseting: Many people would like Majesty to reset because they call him a noob. A noob is an annoying person that you don't like. Chances of Majesty resetting is probably 1 in a million. If he were to reset he would be #1 in a couple of hours due to his pro packs ™ Make 1 mean comment I will strip you. Lolz jk. If you have never made a guide please don't be mean because atleast I'm not afraid to make one.