new ally slot purchase from oracle unfair

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by DIGITAL_BATH, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. As a person who completed all his resets I find it unfair that the ally slots are now purchasable from oracle. Being as 450 quality allies are extremely expensive to obtain, and the fact that 250 aren't, I find it unfair that after using all the time to do my resets, the new slots are purchasable.

    You see, the guys who have their 250 slots filled with primo allies, can now just buy an extra 10 or 20 slots for $10 bil each, and then buy more $200 bil allies.

    ATA, this is BS, I expect some kind of restitution. Sure giving me the capabilities to get 550 is supposed to be the answer......but still. 550 hlbc allies is almost impossible.

    For those who say I only have a handful of allies.....good job on being observant. I'm still rebuilding from my resets. It takes a long time. Something somebody should have to do after doing all their resets.

    You want the extra slots, you should have to reset like the rest of us.
  2. There will always be more slots open than active players. So who cares if some randoms hire 50 more non-active allies. Srsly.
  3. If I were to reset I wouldn't be doing it for the ally slots but more for the perm items. You still have those and we don't so quit complaining.
  4. Your not getting nobody cares lol
  5. Well this thread could always become a farm list.
  6. Yeah umm.... No don't be stupid
  7. You post a thread, we give you our opinion, and you get butthurt. Wow.
  8. You mad why get mad over something so insignificant.
  9. I once had over 3 000 allies. Be happy that it isn't like that now :D
  10. Hardly say Butthurt. 
  11. Let's be honest the only people this helped were the top hlbc players who had all slots filled. I have never reset but do feel that the ones who reset over 4 times for ally slots got screwed. It's at least still cheaper to buy lc reset 4 times than to buy the 100 extra slots.
  12. Yeah Jjjoey I respect your opinion as a fellow OSW player.
  13. The devs needed to keep the nob spenders on lb interested. It doesn't even affect most people.
  14. No matter what they do in this game someone will not b happy. At the cost of evenallies now the extra slots r not really needed. Just wait for next update they will do something new to piss us all off
  15. Ally trading has gone up. Use this to begin ally trading and it won't be an issue


    yh I called my dog Pepsi . And what …
  17. *Gasp* a zaft on forums? Guess they were right, forums are for noobs, that's why he's here :twisted:
  18. 4 resets = 4 days 100 xtals, umadbro