New Age Announcement re: Intermass

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lllII__Execution_Angel__IIllI, Oct 16, 2013.

  1. New Age has taken ownership of International Massacre. The clan Intermass are now and forever New Age farms.

    If current Intermass members wish to stay in Intermass they are consenting to being our farms and must not publicly complain. Anyone that wishes to become a New Age farm is welcome to join Intermass.

    If anyone outside of New Age wants to hit our farms in Intermass, please request permission here. Any hits on Intermass members not sanctioned by New Age will be dealt with. We want our farms available at our beck and call.

    Intermass can be 'hired' from New Age for a period of 24hrs and a cost of 5bill Gold. To be paid via ally volley up front. The entire clan will be yours to hit at will for that time. We offer high level hansels with no defense pots who pay better then haunts! To work out a hire deal, post on this thread and you will be contacted.

    Welcome to the New Age.
  2. I don't know what to say. But damn nice thread New Age
  3. Lmfao bro
  4. Would have been better if Twicc said it
  5. Lol. It's not April fools day you know.....

    In all serious, if you really did do this....I don't even have any words to describe how cold hearted you are.....
  6. I tried to join IM, but your clan doors are locked, could you open them please?
  7. Really sorry to spam your thread Angel, I really don't mean to, but were IM and NA once allies? Both are great osw clans....
  8. I would like to farm intermass. But 5b seems kinda steep for those weak accounts. Will New Age haggle a bit on price?
  9. Lol yes  please do sell us out to others. Try to pick someone who can successfully strip me. You took 5b of 40b in 5 hours or more lol! Noob age threads make me :lol:

    SS can only be shown in a 3rd party since I don't know how to upload, however I'm more than happy to do that 
  10. This seems pretty pathetic in my opinion. But to each his own.
  11. #WonderingIfNewAgeIsReallyOverThereCauseIHaventHadAnyIncForAWhile
  12. Hahahahaha funniest thread I have seen in a while!
  13. Ikr...
    But seriously,
    Are you guys over there?
    Or am I just waiting for someone to enter my newsfeed?
  14. Omg. 

    I can't breath 