Discussion in 'Strategy' started by GrandTheftAutoGAMER, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. I'm sorry for destroying the clan called Xcalib3r next time ill think before messing with a clan. I will never do that again and if u do mess with a clan deal with the farming
  3. Gaaay

    I am gonna join da farming too

    Wait for me!
  4. He's so tiny :lol: jk
  5. apology to Xcalib3r

    I'm sorry I kicked all the member I could and messed with clan page I'm sorry Xcalib3r
  6. I do what I want!!
  7. fill forums with such a low effort apology thread again and I will pin you 20/7 with my many alts
    Have a nice day
  8. Nub stop trying to act hard to a 300-400k CS player.
  9.   stop trying to act big defending a 300K-500Kcs player, I have no quarrel with you
  10. Knowing xcal, this won't be acceptable. You shouldn't be messing with my old clan mates.
  11. And what's your quarrel with OP? Did he hurt you? Is xcaliber your clan? You're quarrel is now with me when you try and bully a player.
  12. if that was called "bullying" then what is destroying a clan? Mega bullying?
  13. Yes! More nerd rage!
  14. Lol chill what are you even going to do to him? Just let him be
  15. Destroyed a clan because of owners stupid decisions, let the owner deal with it. You have no business in this, and you will not threaten a player with your "many alts". That's pathetic.
  16. You also have no business in this
  17. I was Gona take caribous side because he used emoji but I loved being in worm so
  18. My business is now with you, I don't like bullies and I don't like threats. Expect me in your news, and I expect your "many alts" in mine
  19. Oh no I'm trembling