Needs to be fixed!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by JustKilo, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. My clan signed up for trial war 4. We had 33 members and signed up. Someone casted Wicked in the last minute. And we where disqualified. Woc should not be able to be cast if the clan is already signed up. This screwed the war for a lot of people and is something that needs attention ASAP.
  2. Kick him and farm him. Or suck it up. There have been lots of no matches for worse reasons.
  3. Yes but woc should still not be able to be cast after signup.
  4. Point taken- but we submitted a roster of 33- he should not have been able to even get in war is what the threadmaker is saying. Once submitted its locked. To accept a roster then disqualify is lame. Ought to be at least a no match eb AND FIX THE BUG THAT SCREWED IT UP.
  5. Yes it sucks alot of people plan afternoon around wa. Plz fix devs ‧_‧
  7. Cost me money locked means locked...c'mon man...Should at least get a no match EB
  8. U can cast until roster lock its always been that way .... Sign up does not lock roster ...
  9. The devs never said that after a sign up, the roster is locked...
  10. Unfortunately for your clan, when that last person cast they pushed your clan over the maximum number of participants.
  11. It's a loophole the devs overlooked that should be patched up immediately,but I do believe we deserve VP because this happened AFTER signup ended,so technically we have a no match.It still bothers me though that such an obvious flaw was overlooked in the supposed"Test Wars" where their trying to fix everything.

    Show me some real results devs,then meaby il start buying stuff from you guys,till then don't expect a dime if you can't make sure their are no loopholes in the system-_-.
  12. I still agree with the original poster....once signups are turned in that should be the official number the clan is going one should be allowed to sign -up after....unless the admin/owner rescinded the sign -up in time and allows for another player.
  13. The devs said it. You can't really deserve a VP. You should have controlled that.
  14. Bacon it should be done already,after sign up ends nobody should be allowed to cast WoC,this is something that should have happened in the beginning,so clans don't have to deal with this problem:/
  15. I does bite....maybe something for the devs to look into....
  16. If someone gets off from work and gets on kaw and cast woc in the last minutes. There is really nothing you can do about it. Unless your watching the last minutes like a hawk. Yes I should have controlled it. But it is still something that can be given thought to fixing. Ty
  17. Ok fair enough maybe they could fix this but doesn't mean u should get vp... Also save urself some trouble till they do and don't sign up at max