Needing big perms

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by XxX_WoLf_XxX, Apr 25, 2015.

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  1. 2 mil CS, need some big perms want to unlock NQ today or tomorrow so please come perm :) only been a clan for 3 days growing very fast!
  2. You could of sent it in WC man.
    Why make such a low effort thread.
    I doubt you will get a response here except for hate and a lock.
  3. Hello, Wolf. I believe with a little more effort, this could be a very good thread.

    However, this kind of content belongs on World Chat. :)
  4. 2 mil is not big
  5. Plz post this on world chat as this is not the place for ads. Also your thread is kind of low effort so swoop before eagle lands
  6. This is probably gonna be considered spam on forums by the mods and it will be locked. Messages like this belong in wc, not forums. Good luck on your unlock though!
  7. someone's trying their hardest to stand out and be the next vk lol
  8. Now everyone here wana act nice and be wannabe Valiant Knights? Keep trying 
  9. Maybe he's just a nice person.

    And you'd have to be a lot nicer than that.. One of the new VK's, well I think he might be on cocaine. He's very excitable... :lol:
  10. lock and I'll redo
  11. Don't bother making another recruitment thread becauase it only suits for world chat only.
    If you want your thread to be recognize then make a clan recruitment thread with much sexy pictures and more effort on it.
    (im not a wannabee Valiant Knight ty)
  13. This goes in world chat. Make a dedicated clan recruitment thread that's what you were shooting for.
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