Needed: 1 "Forum Blaster"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by W32SQLE_Anarchy, Jan 31, 2016.

  1. "Forum-Blaster"
    noun, singular

    1: someone who harnesses an immense amount of power and can post a rapid number of corny gifs and cheesy memes under pressure.

    2: a specialist mercenary hired by only the big, bad war clans, to tear noobs down on the KaW forums.

    3: someone who doesn't actually contribute to a war they are fighting in but rather talks a lot of smack, repeats the same words and phrases a lot of times and makes themselves look like a fool.

    - Position announced and derived from the following thread:


    It would seem the most recently hired "-Willy2Tyme-" recruited by KotFE has managed to publicly disgrace himself and no longer holds any threat or presence as a "Forum-Blaster" - which was the sole recruitment purpose for him. After posting the word "butthurt" an obscene amount of times, it would seem he has collapsed under pressure and cannot produce anything new and spicy in his role as "Forum-Blaster".

    edit: add these to the tally


    As such: 1 Forum Blaster is currently needed for hire/purchase.

    I will equip you with the following weapon, to ensure you do maximum damage across the forums to unsuspecting noobs.

    however, make sure you are not one of the following "Forum-Blasters"

    we have no room for TR-8R models.

    Please contact me quickly, forums is desperately needing a new blaster.

    *note: BYO memes and gifs for when you have no further witty responses. These will not be supplied.
  2. Yes, I was waiting for this thread.
  3. I lost interest before even reading this, are you this obsessed. Does willy need a restraining order?
  4. Anarchy, don't turn into an attention gardening tool.
  5. This thread is clearly about hiring a forum blaster, the only mention of Willy is telling the story of what happened to the last forum blaster, let's call that section of the op a tribute.
  6. To suggest someone making a thread such as this an attention gardening tool, would also suggest someone who made a certain tribute thread is also an attention gardening tool?
  7. < follows me around forums talking about everything I say. Telling me my stats are too small on about 643 occasions.
    < calls me obsessed
  8. < tells me this but not Willy
    < is from KotFE, with Willy

  9. What if OP is a forum blaster hired by Willy too help Willy keep his name out. In order to keep his role as supreme forum blaster.

    Illuminati confirmed
  10. I am, go ask Willy. He'll tell you I'm obsessed with him and love him or something.
    Secretly, I do.

    jks guys, jks.

  11. Willy has always been an attention gardening tool but he is fantastic at it and that's why we all love him and why he is a VK. Common sense. Get some.

    The difference between anarchy and willy is willy doesn't try so hard to be noticed. That's the way he has ALWAYS been. From the start, I get you're new to this V. You don't know much and it shows. Should do less yapping and more observing maybe it'll get you places, or at least a decent amount in allies. Anarchy use to be chill but seems to have changed, for the worse. It's unfortunate really.
  12. Can I apply? I'm bald and have a neck beard.
  13. Swabia is a VK too, kinda proves the VK thing means nothing. You clearly have taken far too long of a break from forums if you say I am new to it and I assume anarchy is no longer chill because he is posting against your clan member?
  14. I'm still chill. It just happens to be about your clan/member and now you don't like me, everything to do with your responses are highly convenient.

    Swabia is a VK, he's about as useful and deserving as Willy. I wouldn't be waving that around Oli, you should know better.
  15. Snap.
  16. We have our leading candidate so far. Extra points for the neck beard, will really help you out.

  17. Swabia is a legend from the old school kaw, something you obviously know nothing of. And I don't even like the guy and have fought with him numerous times lol. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about but I enjoy this so please continue.

    Oh and since willy has joined kotfe I've had 1 maybe 2 conversations with him.

    Because I don't post daily hot headed ignorant posts like yourself it means I took a break from forums? That's news to me.

    My posting about anarchy would have been the same if willy was a fury member lol. Like I said anarchy use to be chill, but this screams attention gardening tool.
  18. Bad news for you Oli, these have always been my threads. Just never about someone that is in your clan/alliance.

    Guess I've always been an 'attention seeking gardening tool' then.

    Damn, what a bummer.
  19. What all 3 of them? Tbh now that I think about it you're probably right. You may have always been an attention gardening tool. You just hid it well in your every day posts. Damn. Ya got me bud.