need hlbc osf

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by SkittIes, Jul 22, 2011.

  1. I need an hlbc osf to help train me to become an would be awesome if you would let me join you in pwars I really need tips on osf
  2. Plz wall me i would be very grateful
  3. I need Megan fox
  4. Um, here's a tip. Work for it.
  5. Lol im not a osf or hansle n my spices are almost as good as urs XD
  6. You don't need a HLBC osf. In fact, you don't need an osf to "train" you at all, just hansel and hit for now, you're too small to generate meaningful plunder on your own (on osf side), and not likely to be grown by anyone. Get bigger on your own, then start osf'ing. Read a guide if you don't understand how to OSF.