need help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LHL_LegendaryFlex_LHL, May 20, 2013.

  1. Would it be more benefitial to be a hansel or attack build
  2. If you want to farm people, hansel
    If you want to do ebs, attack
  3. Hansel with good enough attack to slap ambush all the time.
  4. This sounds so dumb and childish. Please rephrase this statement,
  5. @iMaster
    I will not rephrase my statement.
  6. Hybrid you will be equal all around
  7. Gretal all the way.
  8. I see this as the exact opposite. Guild Hansels are good for eWars and epic battles. Attack builds are good for farming.
  9. From what i was told classic hansel or attl builds are good for war w added towers of around 14. Hybrids are good for eb plunder. Hansels are the more covetted build for war. I guess it all depends on what u want to do. Notice the top 10 on leaderboard are mostly attk.