Need Help With Small OSF Build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by cheezeplz, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. I am wanting to build an osf for players between 500k-2mil cs. What buildings should i have? I dont want it to be dtw or dts as these are issues i am worried about (ex 100kcs cant hit 6mil cs and 6mil cs cant hit 100kcs) all help is appreciated
  2. At your stats you're fine. 4M CS.

    Maybe you'll be DTS for 500K CS guys.
  3. For an osf you need to only build spy buildings. You will be dtw/dts for players at every stat range, so dont worry about that. You will, however, need to keep gold out to avoid being dtw for attacks, and you will be dtw for steals once your spies are pinned.
  4. If you drop your attack builds 500k cs will be able to hit you
  5. Oh im not going for an osf on this acc, i want my alt mac_and_cheezeplz to be one
  6. Follow me and I'll tell you the best way