I can start buying landing in high lands, but should i upgrade all my low land builds to tier 4 or buy higher lands then upgrade my low lands?
yes go cheap and u will grow faster, then wjen u have more cs u can get the good buildings quicker than before
Since you are at T3 in lowlands now, I would convert to T4 first, that way, you will eventually be able to make much more gold and can open those first 12 highlands much faster.
That's what I would do, convert all lowlands to t4, then focus on your highlands, it makes it a lot easier.
by the end of converting to t4 (depending on how much spy u have) u shud either be able to hit haunt with 0 holy wraths- 8 of them
Upgrading to T4 first is probably best, unless you want to go hansel, but that would be a pretty big overhaul. Don't listen to Jennifer about the towers, he/she is trolling.