need help with hansel build

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BOK-Sniperfi, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Hey I need a little help with my hansel build and I'll list what I have
    23x lvl 4 guilds
    1x lvl 2 Castle
    1x Lvl 1 CoE
    1x SoS
    Please I need some help with this I'm just getting back into this game ATM I have 4bil post on my wall or here what I should do
  2. Delete it SOS until you can fully convert or ur plunder will ho severely. Down
  3. Yep what jenni said.
  4. Im curious how it can HO SEVERILY(0.o)
  5. Im curious as to what you just meant
  6. I didn't know severerly was a noun, or down was a sentence.
  7. Just saying that SOS don't hurt your plunder that horribly bad. Trust me I did my whole lowlands 1 by 1 and it isn't too bad. Maybe 1.5-2m less. But keep exploring into highland and putting up whichever suits you better. Most people will say guilds but if you want higher stats go with SOS. Once you have about 12 highlands you can start converting guilds to SOS. And remember to stay at max plunder
  8. Oh i see now lmfao you guys are picking on jenni's typo lol
  9. Have 1 Coe and the rest lvl 4 guilds. That's the best hansel build