Need help with anything?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ColtonAllen, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. If you have any questions, im here to help! I have lots of KAW experience (since september 20) and can help with almost anything!

    Sir Raven
  2. How many clans are there total?
  3. Umm can you help me get gold and upgrade?
  4. What do you want to know?
  5. Umm nothen played this long hey you want to make a clan with ne cause we are exsperienced ?
  6.  thsnks for the offer but im Fox for Life!
  7. Oh can you make a clan for ne please I'll let you do anything with the clan ?!!!!!!!
  8. Sorry, dont have the gold.
  9. You don't have nolbolti ether?
  10. Can u volly me
  11. No. I answer questions
  12. You missed mine
  13. Ya I'm board
  14. Really? I've seen u b4, fighter23, do u recognize my username?
  15. Sholron: to many.  ill take any question
  16. Lol I'm sorry "sir" but I think this forum went another way.... But I have a question I have two lvl 4 guilds for plunder and20 lvl3 forges any ideas on what I should buy nxt
  17. Your last land.  then raise T3 on it.