Need help (I'm a desperate noob)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by OkieDokie, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. So I have class in approximately 2 hours and need some help finishing up a poem I've written. The requirements were to use caesura, heavy alliteration, and kennings. Here's what I've managed to write....

    I, am Liam, lord of the lords.
    I have conquered castles and slain all who have seeked to sabotage me
    Out of my blood, bravery, and brewing thirst for power I have formed a dynasty where, not even those condemned to the land of suffering could overthrow.
    High and tall I sat upon my throbbing throne, still thirsty for more of the precious power that I already obtained.
    Licking my lips from the beauty of the destruction and disorder I could create, I began to plot my next victim.

    Can someone plz critique this, tell me what to fix/do better and possibly help me add to this since it's relatively short. Thanks :)
  2. I forgot your name but now i remember!! Liam babeee
  3. btw, is it supposed to rhyme?
  4. No, it's not supposed to rhyme at all
  5. Gr story i r8 8/8 but it needs more dragons
  6. Yes... Ask formers for help... *slowclap*
  7. Some forumers are very helpful, I would help but this is not my area of expertise.
  8. you did a poor job at not rhyming, Me and Dynasty rhyme
  9. Dynasty isn't the end of the line. I'm no poetry expert but I enjoyed it
  10. I failed to hear both the kaw and the puppy reference
  11. End it with

    There's a Lady that's sure
    All that glitters is gold
    And she's buy the stairway to heaven
  12. Song lyrics. Could get into trouble there.

    And your throne was throbbing ?
    I'd rethink that one. But too late to help with the two hours by time stamp sorry.
    Bluff out a bit more and put emphasis on the characters motivation.
    What drove him to seek power.
    What event enraged him, was he enraged, was he fuelled by passion.
    A poem is more about emotion than a story.
    Think of it as a spoken song. It should be designed to get the person hearing it to feel something for the character. It should make us aware of their situation.
    And the true test of whether your poem is successful. Can you remember it without reading it.
    It doesn't have to be absurdly long. It just has to paint a picture in the mind. And make a person pause and consider. To feel for a moment, or longer.
    If you remember your own poem, if others do. Then you have made them and yourself think about it.
    Job done.
    Good start and plenty to build on. Just write from the heart
  13. /lock plz. No longer needed ;)
  14. If you wrote in in two hours you will get a D lol.
  15. Last line makes no sense. "plot" and "victim" do not work together in that context.
  16. Needs rhyme
  17. can a mod plz lock this thread so these fail trolls can get off my thread. Btw I'd like to see what u can write in 5 mins️
  18. you again?