Need help gaining money!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Apheriuns_Slave (01), Jan 15, 2011.

  1. What are the best ways to get money in the game? What methods are most efficient? I see people who are worse than me but have created clans, which cost a considerable amount of money, when I haven't even reached $50 mil. How do I get rich fast in KaW? Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. I am looking for a way to get in-game money fast. If you could please re-answer my question that would be great.
  3. Should I just keep leaving clans and joining other ones just for the plunder wars?
  4. Pw is by far the fastest way to get money, however there is no honor in doing it that way. Most people (like me) don't give a rats ass so pw anyway :p
  5. ok heres the best method

    1. open up 3 accounts of kaw on 3 different devices/computers

    2. get the 2 of those accounts rich

    3. use both the accounts that r rich 2 volley the poor one! INSTANT MONEY$$$$$$