Need fast gold!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ben5555, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Hi i know someone just made one of these threads but that was for his size what eb should i be doing on my size ive tried haunt dont make a lot i did on 2x drop haunt though so which eb should i be doing? Or maybe do i need to change my build? I dunno i just wanna make more gold! thanks for reading.
  2. You could have posted this on that other thread, providing it was not locked. If it is locked, you could post it on dillibar question thread. Regarding your question though, I have no idea
  3. ok i am sorry about that thought the thread had died down
  4. could i please get an answer? some advice? please
  5. Haunts. Or farming.
  6. ive tried haunts and farming just causes conflict
  7. Your best bet would be haunts or quick FoD's.

    FoD's may drop treasure through hammers / bars, and elementals besides the usual pot drop.
  8. ok i did fod for a while but was quite boring i like an energetic eb like tbo or tgl