Need Direction

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Mattingly, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. I am new to the game still and wanted to make an attack build initially. Then was getting spied on and wanted to balance. I am currently on 18th land and I have a castle, 3 75 mill guilds, 12 fully uphraded forges and 2 fully upgraded of the attack building after forges. i have about 550 mill in allies most of which are inactive. Is there a useable balance or just attack build? What are the pros and con? What should i be building either way? Is getting land or upgrading buildings more important? I have read some guides but just feel not comfortable on where to go from here. I know all said and done i do want to war/pvp primarily. Thanks in advance.
  2. First you gonna need about 2billion in allies for the time being.
  3. Then I would explore all lowlands. After lowlands are all explored then start replacing each forge with a lv3 Sub Factories.