Need Build Advice

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by NIGHTMARE, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. Hi everyone I just want to seek a build advice I'm currently a shadow hansel (SH) build with 24 LL SOS and 14 HL SOS and 1 Lv. 3 Volary and 1 Elven Temple in my HF. I want to become an Attack Build when I eventually become HFBC so should I stay and grow as a hansel build until I explore all my highlands and then convert into an attck build or do I convert to an attack build now?

    Thanks In Advance
  2. I would do so now. Less waste of gold.
  3. You would have to change your name if you went attack
  4. I personally would wait to convert seeing as how a hansel makes more gold faster then an attack build
  5. I am not a build expert but I believe converting LL SOS to Atk buildings then convert ur HL SOS to Atk buildings n keep one volary. But now changing build will cost u much n ull have to change ur name too 
  6. Stay a hansel to gain gold trade to gain gold faster all lands then do conversion
  7. Go attack build with 1 sos level 3. Do indiwars for EE and renewals and keep yourself updated on time trial plunder spells and skim ebs as much as possible. You will make more hold than any other build.
  8. ^ and be a nice steal farm