need better War match ups...Indy and Clan

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Xx_Scorpion_xX, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Are you tired of the devs stacking up the enemy rooster and leaving you and your clan hang out to dry? Mainly talking bout the Indy war..its never balanced or side always has a small advantage over the other. Also I noticed I've been matched against alot of the same people in every war... I warred against 2 members at least 7 straight wars.. idk what devs goftta go
  2. Idk what devs gotta do to make it better** nor do I care how but something needs to be done...
  3. Indi matchups seem fine to me , win some loose some .Now flan matchups .... Thats a different story
  4. [​IMG]

    I must always be on the stacked roster because I've lost less than 10 Indy wars all season and done over 60.
  5. I'm usually on the unlucky side every time
    I end up blowing xtals every time and I've only won about 2-3 matches (none in S4)
    Out of around 25 wars -.-
    I should war less lol
  6. Around 25 after S3 that is

    But ah well I suppose
    Guess I'm just that unlucky XD
  7. Well indi wars are usually the same people because you are in that tier with those people and, they and you keep warring. So either drop build or grow to another tier️
  8. Bobcat, kinda
    Because Indi wars are random, the teams won't be the same every time
    So you could be warring with ppl you warred with last time, against last time, and ppl you haven't warred with
    It keeps things changing

    That's part of the reason they are fun
    You don't know what to expect and have to work with what you have
  9. Yeah those rooster stackers 
  10. Did seriously no one else catch roosters?
  11. Just checked his build out. Cannot take this thread seriously lol
  12. Indi war match ups can improve even more if more people sign up :) that's my opinion
  13. Shadowsfury,
    Yes they are random but they are tiered. So usually if you and the other people you war with/against you will war with/against again. Not exactly the same teams but usually consist of people you have warred with before. With the occasional new filler. People I always war with/against just to name a couple; Dapper dan, kilekasey, Dali(not as often as others).
  14. Yea I know
    Just meant that changing to a different tier doesn't necessarily mean easier matches
    They could end up being harder lol
    But that's the risk to try
  15. Don't disregard those roosters. They are dominating this season.

  16. Indi wars gave people like me a chance in wars. Since season 2(and probably season 1. Can't remember anymore) I've had to fight so many stacked war rosters with bigs at top and 80% GH, which soon became SH. Indi wars are pretty fairly balanced in my eyes, compared to how wars were only.

    As for the seeing the same people in the same wars, get used to it. They're in you're range just like how pretty much the same people used to war RH all day.