Need as much help as I can!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlIl-ANE-8Pn0Y-IlIl, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. First of all I have never warred before so don't post just to insult.
    Second I need strategy, list of what I need, is it worth it spending all the cash on pots/mithril, etc.
    Third I would appreciate it if someone took the time to follow me and pm me the answers, but post on the thread is fine with me too.

    Lady ANE
  2. If you spend no cash on pots, you won't get any mith in return..

    If you don't use mith, you'll never get any successful actions
  3. Follow back lIl-ANE-8Pn0Y-IlIl Hope I remembered that right :? :? :?