Need Answers!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by awesomeguyK, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. How Do I Transfer This Account To A Different iPod? This iPod is so slow I can't get 10 items in on the first 75% of hauntings!!
  2. email the devs your old udid and your new udid and explain to them that you would like to transfer accounts, supply them your old kaw sn and that you play kaw.

    that should help you out.
  3. I'm awesomeguykid. I'll talk from this fast iPod. How do I kno my udid? Idk what tht is
  4. plug your ipod into itunes and click on your ipod and your udid should be there.
  5. Could u just go to iTunes on your iPod or u need to plug it in?
  6. you need to plug it in, because each ipod has their own unique udid.
  7. Ok. And how do u make tht gray box tht has what pp said in it?
  8. [ quote="-WarGorilla-"]ok.[/quote]

    just dont put a space between [ and quote like i did.
  9. [quote="lilili_BlackHandShiffer_ililil".ok[/quote]
  11. yep just follow my steps exactly and u will be fine.

    p.s. dont use my name to quote unless on comp. it is a pain in the butt to copy and that will usually make you forget how to quote lol.
  12. good job.
  14. Or should I say:

  15. Admins move this to off topic.. -_-'
  16. So if I upgrade can I still have my news tab on top and clan tab on the bottom 5