need ally help

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _nick_, Oct 12, 2012.

  1. Hello, I've recently lost a few good allies because they have been hired away. I now have 4 allies and I get around a 3.5m ally bonus a hit. I was just wondering what should my ally bonus be by now, I have lc completed but I havn't bought the first 3b highland yet.
  2. If you can help me just add me or wall me or follow me
  3. You definitely aren't max plunder. I've been making more than you since I had about 17 lands.
  4. K that didn't help whatso ever I just want to know around how much should I have
  5. Plz post ads on world chat
  6. Get a total of 5bill in allies - that will keep you max plunder for a good while
  7. The best way to check is to just keep buying allies in small increments and keep doing so until it doesnt increase with an ally hire. Its better to be over the max plunder limit for your kingdom than to be on it.