Need advice about towers

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by arcsider, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. Hello kawers
    My problem is about towers i recently sell all my towers and replaced them with some plunder increasing buildings.

    Plunder i have now is much better but since i plan to war at ee i ll need to have some serious sdt and adt.

    I have 10 undiscovered lands at hl and 13 undiscovered lands at hf.

    Now is the question where should i put which of my towers, how many towers should i build and the reason (like plunder at hf is more or viceversa)

    thank you for help have fun
  2. Arboreal Dungeon T3 at Max Level
    Attack Defense: 307,573
    Cost: $121,900

    Red War Citadel T6 at Max Level
    Attack Defense: 353,709
    Cost: $400,000

    The Spy Tower HF vs HL.

    Changeling Watchtower
    Spy Defense: 241,164
    Cost: $174,562

    Descry Fasthold
    Spy Defense: 277,339
    Cost: $400,000

    Don't put any towers in LL it maybe fastest but kills plunder because you need more towers to achieve the stats that would be required.

    In summery if you want the cheapest route go with HL

    *Edit - Changed this after looking into the actual numbers. Slow day and having a duh moment :cry:
  3. ^^ no.
    Put Attack Defence Towers in HL..
    It's much cheaper, and almost the same amount of stats, so your getting more bang for your buck. I'd recommend just building level 2 Aboreal Dungeons, it'll cost you 31b and you'll be getting 250,000 static AD out of it.

    Put your SDT on HF 
  4. Highlands. HF is way to expensive for towers. Unless you want to spend 10 tril to have all lvl 3 in hf :lol:
  5. That's what I said Versa you dumb ****ing ***** **** ******* *****
  6. Just agreeing with you phart :roll:
  7. Brain Fart! :lol: Yeah I was looking at the wrong numbers as far as stats go :oops:

    I have edited my post above with the actual data.
  8. ️ Guild hansel quarrel? Wonder which midget will win
  9. Save money or invest in allies then put towers when s3 comes around
  10. i had the idea about putting adt at hl and sdt at hf is looking more solid but how many i should built can you tell me about the percentage or 1mil of each is enough ?
  11. If your was wantin to ee prob 1-2mil sdt and 3-4 adt
  12. @co-d

    Saw a thread that claimed the plunder penalty for towers is based on overall static stats given and not the actual number of towers you have built. It seemed legit. No?
  13. roidrage is it 3_4 adt towers or is it 3_4 mil cs
  14. 2-4m of each tower.. GH with big BFE/BFA can hit through 1m ADT easily, so i would build a little more. 2m for SDT.