Need a Plan

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *Derpy_Hooves----- (01), Feb 14, 2012.

  1. Ok guys we need a plan

    A plan to defeat KaWs greatest enemy:


    My horseys have recently been eaten by his modergators and castle demolished by his epicness

    We need a plan so this doesnt happen to our next kaw generation

  2. Too much work.
  3. He may come for you next slayerbob....
  4. No  ask us later.......
  5. He won't come for us because we offer noob sacrifices 
  6. Why not come up with a plan to keep noobs like op from making pointless threads
  7. I wasnt a noob i was a 1mil hansel... Thanks it took a while >.>
  8. Seriously..? There's too many threads about spragga now. No originality.
  9. 1. Run away
    2. Cower in fear
    3. Pray he doesn't find you.

    Which he will.
  10. Tell him I said come at me bro
  11. Hestia im scared of spragga...sorry for my concern
  12. It's just not funny anymore. Overused.
  13. Nope.

    It doesn't help your case, OP, that your username hints that you're a broney.