Need a clan Doing B2B warbeast

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXx__Dangerous_Legacy__xXx, May 23, 2013.

  1. I'm new in this game.
    Need a clan doing B2B WARBEAST.
    PLZ help me to Grow.
  2. Warbeast is not a good eb for anybody try getting a volley to 3 bill and then explore 9 lands build lv 3 for 4 times then 4lv2 guilds then keep doing b2b tfo then go to reckoning upgrade and build and explore then HP onto oringin find a good clan
  3. ^what ya talking about. Warbeasts is amazing
  4. This belongs on wc. Request a lock and ask there.
  5. I occasionally do warbeasts still.

    Hey mate! Follow me and I'll help you out. If you post that on wc, you should get all the help you need
  6. Okay! *follows farr*
  7. This belongs in world chat. FYI warbeast is not a good EB for plunder.
  8. we run Warbeasts here at ZF from time to time, but you can't join us lol.