Name change

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by yaze, Jun 17, 2018.

  1. Is their any possible way to change your name I didn't mean to click accept to this name but hopefully not stuck with it
  2. If you buy 20 nobs at The Oracle, you can change your name. :)
  3. can you believe you have to pay?? such a pay to win game smh such epic lose
  4. You can use 20 nobility points, either by purchase or you can farm quests (they randomly drop nobs). Or, if you aren't terribly attached yet, you can just make a new account and name that one. You should be able to log out in the settings tab, under account settings (assuming you're on mobile).
  5. Use the free nobility offers, don't farm quests. There are a few smaller offers that are very easy and work quite well!
  6. I know right!! Imagine people trying to make money off their time, work , and ideas!! smh.....smh.....smh