- N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S -

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Mar 31, 2013.

  1. There has been much confusion, rage, and frustration around the no-match system
    (nearly as much as around the old system where terrible matches were allowed)

    #1: There are far fewer "bad Matchups"
    Those that are called "bad matches" are often skill vs lack thereof, caused by multiple inactive on one side when the other had bigger numbers, people not grasping that certain build types are more attune to System war than others, people not embracing strategies on how use/defend against certain build types, or just people at the extreme end of the spectrum.

    #2: Removing the NoMatch system and going backwards is not a solution.
    Believe it or not the wars are much more fun and stable now and it shows in the increased attendance.

    #3: letting "Unmatched" clans be optically matched or given the option to be matched is not viable.
    Say 3 clans aren't matched. The strongest, the weakest, and a middle of the road clan.
    Also, letting people pick their opponents is not really an option (think about it).
    Also, any manual system is a programming nightmare. It would require a UI change (weeks to develop + weeks to submit to apple for approval).
    1. NOTE: consider that when you make recommendations. Anything that changes the UI (User Interface) cannot be a "HotFix". It has to go to apple for submission & approval and requires a new update download. So recommendations that require this are less likely to be considered.

    #4: the Devs are not ignoring your feedback.
    I see KAW_Admin often in the EE thread as well as lurking many "complaining/suggestion" threads. I believe more Development time and $ has gone into this system than into the EB system by now so they want it to be a success. I am sure they are hard at work for a solution to fix address the "No Match" complaints without taking a step backwards. Be patient with them. You don't have to be all ponies and rainbows but offer constructive criticism and ideas rather than threats and rage.

    In the mean time:

    It seems to me the most common "NO MATCH' results occur for VERY STRONG clans, VERY WEAK clans, and clans with "unusual" distributions of strength.
    1. ie: 15 LB accounts and 15 Guild Hansles making a clan of 30.
      A 100% hansel/PureSpy clan.
    Uncommon structure to your clan means it is an uncommon clan.
    Uncommon means just that. Uncommon. So you are less likely to get a matchup.

    Give consideration to the following:

    1. - If your clan is ranked 5000 LB clan who wants to EE don't invite 6 LB accounts into your clan and war with 19 small t3 builds and expect a matchup.
      - If you are a ranked top 10 LB clan don't throw 20 Guild hansels into your roster with 15 Top 100 accounts and be surprised when there is no match for you.
      - Also, consider the majority of the clans have trouble filling to capacity (look at history) but usually have more than the minimum (look at history). So if you have max roster clans (40/50 active) or minimum roster clans (25 active) you may be more likely to see "no matchup"

    Even doing all of the above sometimes an odd number of clans sign up and you are just the "odd-Man-Out"

    I hope the above suggestions (especially the "Custom Clan" issue) helps you all find more matchups and more mithril.
  2. Re: N O M A T C H U P S O L U T I O N S

    Every system has problems at the start. They get altered more and more until they are as good as they can be. It's the same with this; give the devs some time
  3. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    Good points Wulf. As Jayde said "adjust to the mechanics". It's not the other way around.
  4. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    the problem devs/admins/staff need to tackle is participation. If more people particpate that means there will be more 'unusual' clan builds which means more people to be paired with. Many players didn't want to war due to times, that is now fixed. Many players don't want to spend alot of irl money for a little amount of xstals and some ppl don't even want to buy xstals at all. There is also many other problems but I think if they could market xstals right than the ppl that don't even want to buy will buy, more ppl will want to war and more match-ups etc.
  5. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    Jimmy, I can only slightly agree. Weren't these systems built for clan loyalty? It's not good loyalty to have to kick have the roster and replace them with more appropriate builds.
  6. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    Good points.

    How about allowing a three-for-all? If two smaller clans can team up (maybe even have a battle chat button for coordination) on the bigger one then there is a winning chance. Probably too many hoops to make it happen, but it would be pretty amazing.
  7. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    Hope that clears it up for some people.
    Very obvious problem/solution points in the thread. Thx wulf
  8. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    This doesn't help at all.

    The simple factor is that not enough clans war. End of story. EE will just be the same 4 clans warring against each other. Either make EE somehow pay the same as EB's so b2b haunt clans are forced to take part, or you'll continue to get hate from everyone.
  9. Finally.

    A well written response to all the threads complaining about no match when they are stacking their clans with Guild Hansels or other builds.

    Your strategy is obvious and is unfortunately the root of your own problem. Don't need to complain so much in forums about how you believe the system is broken.
  10. oh and to regards of

    I understand that it is extremely difficult to check forums and deceiver the good from the bad and the bad from the ugly. BUT at least give some ppl constructive criticism on their constructive criticism. I mean there is not many suggestion threads that ever get a reply from staff, maybe if ppl knew what was wrong with their idea maybe they could fix it or create something different. Multiple suggestions and idea threads have been made (as well as complain threads) and I just think the staff should address more suggestion threads rather than complain threads because the people developing fixes are waaay more valuable than people merely complaining
  11. Your basically saying guild hansels can't war.
  12. I'm just waiting for kaw_admin's thread regarding Season One.
  13. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    I fully agree. If your clan has received no match 2,3,4,5 times in a row the problem is not the system, it's the clan. Instead of crying and raging about inequity why not switch the builds in your clan? It is surprising how hard this concept is to grasp for many clans.
  14. Gabriel, switching builds is not it either. What is it, our third time switching builds here? Not working.

    It's the system.
  15. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    Yes. And clan loyalty is supported with this system as it makes it less desirable to create "Custom UberClans" as these clans are harder to match cause they are usually very unusual in strength distribution or extremely strong.

    The only clans who are impacted as you describe are ones who likely have modified their members builds to to create a "custom clan" out of their standard one. While these clans reap the benefit when they get matchups they suffer more likely "NoMatch" situations as there are few like them to match with.

    Though sometimes you are just unlucky. (we got 2 no-matches in a row)
    Excrement Happens.
  16. How is it the system? If there is not another clan of similar size, strength and actives how is a match supposed to be made?
  17. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    exactly the devs need to incentivise and make it easy to participate. I believe the devs got the incentive right (with new armor) However it isn't extremely easy to participate right now. Even if you have all pots, mith, and xstals the community is so small that ppl that are not already in the game can not even join. There is no way for a person with 0 experience to join most of the clans warring today. Plus this smallness is what is the cause of repeat matches as well as a repeat of no matches. No one can and is getting into this whole EE war thing because it is extremely hard to. This is why you see the We're screwed's, the seven sins, the HGLs, the SOTRAs, the GHC's, the empires, the 46 and 2s, etc. This whole EE war system is so closed that everyone basically knows each other.
  18. Re: N O - M A T C H U P - S O L U T I O N S

    Forcing people to particpate is a great idea. That will clear up all the hate. :roll:

    Attendance is on the upswing.
    No match helped.
    Tourney helps a lot.
    more to come I am sure.

    Devs dont just rest on their laurels. The EE system is is the newest part of the game, and therefore the part getting the most focus and R&D.
  19. Half * didn't notice typo.