My tribute to KaW

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *iPimella (01), Nov 25, 2010.

  1. A Lurker is Lurking
    By GlooMi

    A lurker is lurking
    On forums of white

    She reads all fan fiction
    And lurks on iWrite

    But rarely she feedbacks
    Cuz its too much work 

    She watches Cursed_Soul failtroll
    And thinks he's a jerk

    Mean comments are common
    Wherever he's at

    But not nearly as common
    As "hire me" on world chat

    Her clan is so awesome
    She's very protected

    And she thanks the lord cuz
    All noobs are rejected

    Now it's time to wrap up
    I Thank you my friend

    You can stop reading now
    You've arrived at the end.
  2. I LIKE IT. SUPPORT. 12/10
  3. Clap, clap, clap, clap.... Oh and I think Cursed_Soul is a woman
  4. ^That explains her PMSing.
  5. Lol, I don't think C_S is a woman, i think the whole picture thing was a fake
  6. 
  7. Well there's proof to back up CS being a woman. She PMS's every month (which is every 24hrs for her species).
  8. 
  9. I give it...

    2 thumbs up  and 5 stars 

    Great job!