I know other bigger, better guides have been made but here's my take of what is needed to start a clan. 1), Core Group - Making a clan without a Core group will most likely result in you disbanding your clan within a few days of starting the clan. Mainly due to frustration and a lack of growth(Especially Nowadays when clan loyalty is rare). A Core Group needs to be of a minimum of 5 Players, Ideally above 20Mil cs(Mixture of different builds would be ideal but if not thats fine). These players need to be friends that you can quite comfortably delagate tasks to such as activity checks. Other things to consider: •Try and pick a core group from a variety of timezones. •Either you or your core group needs to know how to make ads, art and clan walls. 2). When you make the clan - Hear me out here, I know its an odd idea but it will effect how your clan grows. With the addition of the B2B events nowadays, like any small clan owner will tell you that recruiting gets alot more difficult when you get 4+ days into the event(assuming it's a 2 week event). This is due to most players finding a good clan and rotation they like and normally sticking with it(Until 1 or 2 days before event end then their is a frenzy of clan hopping to balance out items). To maximise of the amount of members you're able to recruit make your clan 1-2 days before an event is thought to begin. Unlock to Reckoning and as soon as the event starts, begin a Depraved/Reckoning rotation. Therefore getting a slight headstart of a couple hours or days depending on when clans figure out a rotation that suits them. Now that an event has started, use that confusion and panic players have and send all the ads out you can, This will create alot of interest in your clan(I've had 20+ members joining in the first day of an event before). Keep these constant ads flowing for a few days and you could potentially have 30+ small members in a few days. Then do unlocks accordingly to members item requirements to keep players happy. 3). What's your clans gimmick? For example the clan I am owner of is a very trusting and welcoming family clan. So i have built my clan around those ideals. Me and my admins all have similar goals and i like to keep whats happening in the clan very open so almost everything that goes on known by all the clan. Creating a sense of trush and therefore loyalty between our members. Other ways this could be implemented is by advertising your clan as a war clan or on the other end of the spectrum as a 100% Eb fairy clan. From OSW to PvP to even a clan based on farming. Whatever you think you would enjoy and what would bring members in. These 3 Tips has helped my clan grow and become i place i enjoy being in. Comment what you think of this post and gimme some feedback, helps alot
Nice tips, i strongly believe point one is the best advantage you can have but i'd stress "a minimum of 5". The more trustworthy folks you have to start with the more succesful your chances will be. Most clans I've been in start with larger peaks over the first yr or two they're around then as founding members & early joiners dissapeared many more clannies followed. I think it's important to have established, experienced & committed players, who atleast a few of have some decent time to spare, if you're thinking of starting or maintaining a clan for a long run. I've seen 2-3 ppl start a clan & fail quite often...for example there were 2 clans i've been helping out when 2 out of the 3 founders have suddenly had rl issues arise, leaving only one left to run a ship which has a large number of inexp'd members. This is understandable, health issues, studies, extra work duties & such take up time & you must compensate for these losses, which may affect activity over the life of a clan, but with 1 leader left & only a few handfuls of untested or inexp'd & non-committed clannies, you've only recently recruited, you're prolly not going to do too well. If you find yourself in this situation EBs might start getting delayed. Pvpr's might pick on your newer members & them being clueless, recieve no instruction & give up. Alot of dead cc & a lack of displayed direction may see exp'd players leave or lose enthusiasm. And all the while the last leader has all the pressure dumped on them which doesn't make for a relaxed playing environment. So, unless you get your hands on a couple exp'd recruits or educate your newer members fast, things might spiral downwards early. Another tip... get connected with some other clans before you open up & know some reliable players you can call on for help & you should be able to increase your chances of success.