My Thoughts on wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by WE_Commando_Huhub_FU, May 29, 2013.

  1. Ok so we have all seen and some have been a part of the farce that was ee season 1!
    Also people have done summer wars and won!
    But has anyone actually taken into account that every single next season of any type of war will render previous equipment earnt through whatever wars useless?
    For those that did summer wars, is your equipment better than rpa equip? Or the rancor equip?
    What's the point in warring one season for the next seasons equip to basically render the equip you currently have as useless?
    EB equip, summer wars equip, rancor equip, it will never end, you will constantly be stuck either warring every single possible war, or become stagnant and irrelevant in regards to equip, provided the DEVS don't release EB equip that are equivalent too war equip!!
    Point is what is the point when Asia gets crapped on for wars but still manage rancor 50 that equip will be crap compared to next season equip and so forth and so forth it's a cycle of crap...
    Not trying to be a knob here but seriously what is the point If everything you do will be rendered useless 2 months later?
    Why kaw what for?
  2. To have it and kick ass with it for the two months or longer depending that you get it.
  3. Hmmm you got a point
  4. The_Bobcat, is it worth it?

    HubHub raised some very good points here.
    EE is a cycle of crap that is wasting people's time and changed the KaW game. KaW will become more and more EE based and for nothing. People will EE for equipment that they will never really use for anything but more EE.

    An addictive cycle of stupidity.
  5. That is the whole point mate. Now people will use more xtals for more wars. More profit.
  6. Huhub* damn u justice 
  7. Genius on their part.

    Similar to the phone companies or women's hand bags, no? Maybe they'll partner up and release a Gucci or LV set of armor!!!
  8. I guess it's worth it, it keeps my interest. I love warring in EE so it was fun either way. Disappointed in the boots shown yesterday but overall I thought it was a good season. Ill participate in the next, use more xtal's more mith. They will(hopefully) only get better and make wars not so much of a blowout.
  9. You would need the stronger equip to be able to win during the next season so you can get the even stronger equip...

    Hopefully this does not become a case of the strong getting stronger and weak getting weaker.
  10. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. 
  11. Exactly every single season will require alot more xtals alot more activity n for what...?
    For the next season to better the current effort
  12. Then don't war Hub. :)

    Kick ass for a year more then get new EQ then.
  13. Ahh I see now,

    EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE so you can get equipment to EE.

    Seems fun, not very time consuming, doesn't require alot of xtals, obviously worth doing and is one of the better parts of this game.
  14. So EE just so you can EE?
  15. Basically
  16. The best part is how it's not even the slightest bit repetitive.
  17. Basically if you didn't war then you should
    War so you can war waste more €£¥$ and war more n more n more for absolutely no gain **** EE IS MY POINT
  18. EE was fun! I was winning one war for like 5 defeats, but i still warred cause i liked it. Will war next season too