A nice fun guide to get t4s! So you have 25 lands with t3, • Get to highlands , and build t3 . • Make sure you level them maxed! Now you should start getting nice and easy money ! Now get a Lvl 1 t4! ( not a Lvl 3 in one conversion!) So you have a minor increase in your plunder and stats , simply one by one get it Lvl 3. Your stats and plunder go nice an high already, now get another 2 highlands with guilds! I have concluded that guilds have the best plunder and are cheap! Now you have over 1 mill stats and can do most epics without pots ! Note that epics are better than plunder wars! Get Lvl 1 t4 On everyone land apart from your guilds , this is the quickest and most enjoyable way!!! Lvl 2 And SOS You have 100-200k better stats now than before and get good money , simply change them all to Lvl 2 which I now will take a while but it's fun Your stats go 1.5-2mill stats Woot lol now you can change 4-5 guilds to Lvl 3 SOS , make sure if you have more guilds that u either get Lvl 2 SOS or Lvl 2 t4. MORE LAND AND T4 • my technique Is that your land has to cost more than your upgrade so get highlands until they cost more than 15,000,000,000 (billion) with Lvl 2 again . Also make sure you have like 5-30bill in allies , if u have more that's great! Now get all Lvl 3 , remember you already have one so it won't take too long ! HLBC AND LEADERBOARD I AM WRITING IN BIG COS THIS PARTS AWESOME!! NOW GET LVL 3 T4 IN ONE CONVERSION ON EACH LAND AND KEEP DOING IT OBVIOUSLY TILL YOUR HLBC WHICH WILL TAKE ONE WEEK-ONE MONTH !! NOW YOUR ALREADY ON LEADERBOARD WITH MAXED STATS MAKE SURE YOU JUST BY AS MANY EXPENSIVE ALLIES! NOTE: GETTING ALLES YOU GET INTO THE STRONGEST AND ALLY LEADERBOARD! Valuable comes anyway an battled isn't that important HOpe it helps