My suggestions to fix EE System

Discussion in 'Wars' started by XxX-TheFlyingMonkies-XxX, Jan 30, 2014.

  1. So I am tired of hearing about people ranting about the "match-up algorithm", receiving no matches, and SOS 1 hansels and then making no suggestions to fix it.

    I'm going to suggest a few changes below that could be implemented to let a greater margin of player war without changing their build dramatically...

    1) Instead of giving EE and rancor rewards with static stats, give some with large percentage based bonuses. This will encourage players to actually have stats, and give them bigger stat boosts in comparison to smaller builds (SOS 1 hansels).

    This being implemented would help solve the issue of SOS 1 hansels plundering mid-sized builds as long as the mid sized builds have a decent war build. A mere 10% bonus on 2m static defense will give a 10m static defense bonus. Spread that around to multiple pieces of equipment and it would be formidable to deal with.

    2) Limit the amount of Leaderboard players per roster. I mean isn't this common sense?

    If clans couldn't stack LB/SOS1 hansels, or just the top LB players, it would allow clans with normal roster to enter and war.

    My thoughts would be this: 1 top 100 player per roster or 2 top 101-200 players. There are plenty of clans for them to war at, they can split up.

    3) Minimum and maximum stat requirements for sign up. Put a range which clans must meet, that way there around outliers who will obviously not be matched. This range would be a RATIO. This means as roster limit fluctuate so will the range proportionally.

    Let me know your thoughts.


    Disclaimer: this is an ALT. I am not crying about existing system, I have an account with 23 rancor already. Just making suggestions to make it better.
  2. Percentage based rewards, great idea. Min stat requirements, great idea
  3. Percentage based items become next to useless when coming out of pin since it is based on troop strength so I don't rly see this helping mids since mids will not be tanking.
  4. Notice he said defensive 

    Coming out if pin with static defense towers are not useless, look at the example op gave

    The items could have static attack and spy attack bonuses and percentage defense bonuses.
  5. You'd have to be a pretty lowered mid to really benefit from losing the static defense from the equipment in favor of % based defense towards your towers.
  6. I don't think you could hit him right now
  7. Remove ally bonus during ee wars. That fix all issues.
  8. Minimum stats wouldn't do a thing to fix the system lol
  9. Also if this were to be implemented it would but large towered tanks & LBers even further out of reach of most players. No support. Something that would help mids is removing the plunder bonus gained from attacking someone who is using full attack defense potions. That would give mids a bit more defense without causing them to leak as much.
  10. Being a mid sized build, I would obviously benefit. Not so much as you think broken though, SH fail 80% attacks on me as is.
  11. Anything would be better than the system in place now! Support change
  12. Anything would be better than the system in place now. Support change...!¡!
  13. Two times like James Brown & make it funky not ****ed.
  14. I think some of your ideas are really good  support.
  15. 1) Instead of giving EE and rancor rewards with static stats, give some with large percentage based bonuses.
    - maybe this could help, everything is better than current reward system, coz after season 2 was equipment circle closed .... and ppl who have all rancor equips have no motivation continue to get for lots of mithril only +5% increase stats

    2) Limit the amount of Leaderboard players per roster. I mean isn't this common sense?
    - totally agree .... btw i think devs have virus in counting LB players BFA .... coz its totaly blame

    3) Minimum and maximum stat requirements for sign up
    - idk how could this work, any attempts on ratios were only bad joke....
    I saw here better way on forum = green light indicator that clan will get matchup (if is going to red then could clan change roster to balance for war)
  16. I'm with broken stupid idea 