I'm planning to write a story and I need some characters so I'm gonna ask all of you guys if you wanna be in it They all need to have a Name: Age: Gender: Bio: Weapon or object: Please sign up all characters will be used
Name: Mister X Age: 18 Gender: Male Bio: His mom died well giving birth to him and his dad was a drunk who beat him, he maybe young but he is a skill assassin who mastered hand to hand combat, fighting with his katana and using long range rifles. He is an assassin for hire who's never been caught and is skilled in being silent and quick. Weapons: M21 EBR with silencer Katana Throwing knives
Name: Rebecca Lovespirit Age:11 Gender:girl Bio: A mysterious wizard. Depends on the plot. Weapon or object:A weapon named Obscurity (that was a pic of Obscurity) And a sword named LumiBlade (thats a pic of LumiBlade) she is good
Well he is a assassin for hire, he is neither evil nor good. He doesn't care who he kills as long as he gets payed
Name Chris Age 14 wepon two short swords my wepon of choice bio grew up in a bad failmy ran away from home at a early age male
Name: Corr Age: 16 Gender: Female Bio: Born into a rich family but ran away when she was 6. She's been living by herself in the forest for ten years and has been nicknamed "Lightning" because of her skill, power and suprising beauty. She has short black hair and normally wears whatever she can find, though she manages to make it look gorgeous. Weapon: A long braided whip that she calls Lightning and a thin, delacate yet deadly sword she calls Thunder.
Whoops! Sorry. She's called "Storm," and she's evil, but is entirely convinced that she's doing the right thing. She was found by the evil people when she ran away at six, and they taught her that they were right. She is a good person who only wants happiness but has been misleaded. Vaugely remembers her family, but not enough to miss them.
Name: Pete Age:10 Bio: He used to be a nice kid until he ran away. Now he hunts the most evil monsters for meat. Weapons/item: A spear,sword, and bow. Also has battle puppies
name: angus Side: Evil Weapon: A short sword and a knife apperence: Longish Orban hair thin eyes thin eyebrows a pale skin bio: Angus had run away from his family 5 years ago when he was 11 and was there peacfully till bandits attacked there camp and his family was defeated Angus went unseen and escaped He went to a warriors guild and startered training with a knife it proved too easy for him and he started learning and fighting with a sword A black sword Thin light and easy to use but needle sharp and would penentrate then toughest armour He left the guild at the age of 14 and started leaving as a assassain he started earning heaps and was getting well known and had a price on his head he was found in a city and was followed out the city gates were he slipped into the nearbye forest and started living for a year he was forgotten till he was 16 and started making himself a life in the__
Name:Harry. Age:19. Side:good. Bio:when he was 11 he met a crow called Tyler,Tyler can't talck human but Harry can understand him.plus he only kills evil monsters and evil pepoel he dresses like an assassin too so basically he's a good assassin Wepon and itemsoisoness hidden blade,a magic sword called malblade and some bottles of poison
Swift wind Age:12-14(realy don't know) Sex:male Bio:N/A just woke up in the streets. Wepon or objectlait armor ,gauntlets ,and a scythe.
Name:Assassin Side:Evil Age:16 Bio:Was beaten as a child by his father, he rose against him and brutally murdered him. He was scared with himself and ran to the mountains but at the age of 12 hunters got him and he was raised as a assassin Weapon:Mini crossbow, hidden knife in sleve, grappling hook, barbed wire under sleves
Name:ark aperance:well muceled,brown hair,green eyes,rather tall. Sex:male bio:He works in the resistance to overthrow the tirant king alark. Hi father. Side:good weapon: a bow,a small round buclar a long sord. His favrouit weapons though are his knifes a sea ax are saxe and a throwing knifes both forged by the best of best