My Shard Hunt

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by AWE-Kan, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]

    How did yours go?

    I was one of the people who was taken by surprise when the pvp-shard hunt started and concerned with different elements of the event but I have to admit that it was a lot of fun and gave me confidence over my build and I enjoyed the whole experience.

    So not to ramble on and in no way do I think my thoughts should be taken seriously, I have a few things I thought might be done differently and what I enjoyed.


    1. Overcoming the fear of hitting larger players. I even tried to hit a leader board player but was still too small 
    2. Seeing that a large amount of KAW players are extremely dedicated to this game and I take off my hat to those who got level 5 shard achievement.
    3. I think that it was good that the event was shortened to one week. I think if it had gone on longer that it would've been harder to hold onto shards.
    4. It was really enjoyable to see WC change into a chat room for a while 
    5. Being able to hit the battle list and not get tears 


    1. I think that for future PVP events (and I think there should be more) that they should have an OPT in button, not an OPT out but either way ppl should have a choice.
    2. There should be a countdown clock in WC for event which would add tension.
    3. Once you have won some shards off of another player (no hit limit till you do) there should then be an hour when you cannot re-hit their Kingdom.
    4. A collection metre. As you collect shards, they raise the level on your metre and if you lose shards, the metre level remains the same but your collection decreases.

    This means that to raise the level of the metre you will still have to fight to collect more shards that you lost but I noticed that someone lost out because they had collected enough for level 1 shard badge but got hit just before and only had 249.

    If they had a collection metre, then they would still get the badge because at one point in the event they did manage to collect the right amount.

    5. Faster regen with no timer to tackle constant dtw. So many where dtw, which is how you play I know but what if you took the regen timer away and also regenned faster. It would be harder to self pin and therefore more of a challenge.

    6. A weeks notice on all PVP events in future.


    Please don't think I'm trying to peddle ideas like Moose lol. It's just some observations.

    Thanks and tell me how your hunt went!!!
  2. All HAILThe Mighty TronTop 1000 Shard Event Winner
  3. Would you shut up already?
  4. ️
  5. Damn. My post is in wrong place. Should have been third 
  6. Support fir the meter.
  7. All HAILThe Mighty TronTop 1000 Shard Event Winner
  8. Thorn is hurt.
  9. Tron is idiotic.
  10. True dat
  11. All HailTronTop 1000 Shard/FarmerVoted top Guild Hansel 2014 by KaW Magazine
  12. You're a GH, therefore there was no achievement anyway
  13. My achievement is better now knowing you posted without one
  14. Does that hurt? Do you even PvP bro?
  15. Cause I gotta cool badge that says I do, you? Dismissed.
  16. I only participated on the last day of event and got a few more than 250. Id just anon steal eb atk builds with no spy defense, or atk hansels

    Was fun, but didnt have much time to participate.

    Definitely agree that there needs to be atleast a 48 hour heads up before pvp events start though.
  17. No tron you made a small account and smashed newbies and clueless so not so special tough guy.
  18. That*
  19. I just did not like loosing shards to incoming. To me that was the worst thing about this event.
  20. Never said I was tough guy, I'm a GH, and outsmarted the game mechanics, did you accomplish anything lately. Mathematics and simple game mechanics are easily processed and exploited by Tron. What badge do you have to concur your thoughts with?