my point of view.

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Psychosis, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. Ok, well let me point out how the game is coming along. We have events, the new lands, and s5 coming along. Also asw. First, the events i actually think they are pretty good, they give the bb which is a good ug or two, they give new players some gold to work with. But to add to that theres never any new players! Ok, then we these new lands the abyss. I was ok i suppose with the lvl 3 but the lvl 5 made lb massive. This just makes the goal of the game to rise to top...impossible. And the new player bonus( even though there's rarely new players.) the 100% for a week does not help much if at all, to getting anywhere with your cs! They are new so they dont have any allies or gold or clan or seals or whatever they need to get gold off this 100% bonus. When i started my alt, i maybe got2-5 bil within the week ing hte regulary. Sry im getting off topic. Ok so that whole deal roght there made th game way more complicated then needed.

    ALRIGHT S5, here we go i was waiting for this one. INDI WARS ARE A FAILURE; its only good for the bigs if anybody and to be a big is even harder WITH THE NEW BUILDING UGS ! see how its coming along, one by one thing they are ruining this game because those things add together. For mids its madness, theres crappy builds inactives and lil punks who refuse to xtal or even mith. Smalls, ik devs said they released these wars for exp for the noobs but COME ON! Every single small indi war theres atleast 1-10 inactives or more. Throw the indi out the window devs not into s5 ideas. Round obviously is not an option and if you dont know why then where have you been since s4? Primal is really the only option DUE TO ALL THE MONEY PEOPLE HAVE SPENT CHANGING BUILDS FOR IT! Actual money too. People have said and i have thought about primal indi but indi has to many problems in order to do this. Primal actually encourages growth. People drop builds to be in small bracket in indi and round doesent have anybody committed to these wars to actually matter.
    Now you may not agree and if you dont, just go over and hit an eb idc what you think unless you agree or unless you are someone who does pwars.

    I actually have more nagging to do. You may feel this is enough, not enough to reach the devs. The loyalty of people in this game, terrible. So many back stabbers nowadays. Also how rude some people have to be i guess im probably not the nicest guy but when you come across someone who has got something coming for him, instead of farming we can have report buttons and type what this person has done.this woukd help in indis if you devs HAVE to keep them. This is the only game i own w/o a report button (thats online of course) asw is coming up, this got me excited but nope only for top 10,000, thanks to the new building ug, thats harder to reach. I really held this in for about a year but the pile of crap keeps adding up and im getting sick of it.

    In conclusion kaw is losing my attention, my support, and my money which im sure they only care about the last one.

    This IS MY POINT OF VIEW. You can think of this however you want but this what i thought of it, sry i had to take so long, gj if you got this far, and sry for typing errors
  2. You teach me to make a thread I'll teach you English grammar. And a personality
  3. Wall of text......
  4. How long does it take to get a build good enough to war with?
  5. Did u start 3 yes ago or recently?
  7. I just started playing today.
  8. Yep. Huge wall of text.
  9. Your view sucks
  10. So, are you aware that the devs proposed indis because that's what the majority of the community said?
  11. Please add a tr;dr and/or shorten your thread (bb codes could help too)
  12. Whiner_Tristen_whiner

    Here have a tissue.
  13. Can't believe only top 10k can participate in asw this weekend.

    Oh wait im top 10k 
  14. Eh I just read primal so support
  15. I'm sorry, my GPS got lost in the wall of text.