My opinion

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___PAC_Man___, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. I am out of Alpha due to reasons in real life..I can no longer continue this war. So I left. Am no longer a Alpha member. So I can express my opinion now even tho I may have consequences. I am speaking for my self out of alpha. I personally think Regualtors aren't participating in war enough. Doing ee's? 1-2he haunts like what the hell! **** All this funding bull**** wulf your clan looks like your not even in a war i don't care what excuse u have if ur in a osw ee should be off limits i don't care if its for mith! Those 4hrs can be focused on the enemy! I was fine with the funding idea since I saw it started to work. But c'mon Regz your full of it! Black hand Hmm...I hate y'all but one thing is at least their not doing any Ebs. At least it looks like a real war. Same with IG your my enemies and can kiss my ass BUT respect from fearless on how y'all do war. Am not surrendering cause of this osw but real life issues shud always be dealt with first. I personally think and know That alpha is doing too much work for being only a Alliance that was called in. Alpha is putting in their time,money and hard work..Like all the other clans right? Black hand ig NBN Foxes Wit everyone who is in this war why should the alliances get pulled in tho?? For what. Handle your own damn problems Seriously Blackhand and Lastrights Should just focus on each other and duke it out fair n square. Regz u fet no credit from what I see ur not participating enough if u weren't gonna do the job u shouldn't not joined ! Am not raging or anything i can't really show emotions threw texts am just saying what shud be said so bear with me.
  2. First Fail*
  3. Didn't Read it
  4. Cuddle bunneh. Looks like a troll thread I know..But u weren't in the war so just bear with me
  5. I read it.

    I was going to fix grammar... but too many mistakes.
  6. I wasn't in the war? My main is still alpha :lol:
  7. One of my mains. Lol
  8. Thanks ...was on iPod and u know thick fingers 
  9. Really cuddles?
  10. Lol. Ok i will "let" this slide on the grammar aspect.
  11. ...just saying what I think about the war.
  12. This is not a very classy way to break ranks with your clan who have served you so well. You ought to show more respect for your brothers in arms.

    No support.
  13. True's to late tho lol I guess everything I wrote am wrong about?
  14. Whether you're wrong or right isn't for the public to decide.

    What your perception is is entirely up to you.

    I believe your problem is you've lost your faith in your leadership. Instead of asking them about it or bringing the issue to council, you've run off and burned all your bridges.

    I've warred with Wulf before. There's a method to the madness. You're gravely mistaken if you think they're keeping those funds for personal upgrades while you lay there being slaughtered.
  15. Yeah ur right.^
  16. I respect you for posting with a main, but I believe you've probably just signed your own death warrant, judging by Metal's response here.

    I recommend you wall a forum mod and request a lock before this gets too much exposure.
  17. I don't understand y they would do EEs either it's pretty dumb considering they are allowing iG and BH to unpin unless they have people on veil that keep there targets pinned though I dot understand there strategy
