My opinion on EE war boycotts

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Death_Reigns, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Hey guys.

    Just something I'm going to throw out there.

    The talk of EE boycotts at the moment is a little disheartening. And I have a few points as to why.

    First of its self explanatory. The less clans that EE, the more no matches will occur. Which in turn is what a lot of the complaints are. Fact is if more people did EE, the less likely a no match.

    Also, by not EE'ing we are depriving the devs of data that may be used to re tweak the system and fix the things we know are wrong. It took them awhile to fix gh issue yes. But people continued to EE and with that data the devs were able to see a definite, consistent pattern that gave them the cause to nerf gh. By not EE'ing you are drawing the process out. The same clans are warring each other all the time. This does not indicate a mech problem if one clan consistently loses despite roster. This can be indicative of one clan simply being better.

    So those are my thoughts on it all. Have a think.


  2. Damn bb fail. Meh who cares.
  3. Support, your thoughts.
  4. this Is why I don't do EE.

    Costs money for only a possibility to win (Almost all clans require one xtal)
  5. Also maybe less people would complain if they gave a little bit of mith to people who get no matches.
  6. Their is no lack of data. They have ways of creating data for themselves. While their lack of action is taking place our money is being spent for a defective based product. I'm not dropping my build and I'm definitely not buying into lb.
    The time line for action given to us is unacceptable. Equate it to you taking a car into a mechanic to be fixed. Then the mechanic tells you it won't be running for a year but leave it with me and pay to store it in the meantime. Sure some have other vehicles (alts) but for some it just comes down to priciple. Just my thoughts.
  7. Golden that would be the same even if system was fine.

    Brock, live data is much more reliable than generated data.
  8. Ummm in case u haven't warred lately nerf GH did nothing for war just deminished the gold intake on Eb. If GH was fixed ppl still wouldn't be filling their clan w them

    Additionally devs have had months to fix many problems and amazingly disappear when true progress and discussion could be made
    War 2 there were 6 clans no matched between Division 1 and rising hawks yet that was the match up. One couldn't ask how this happened as war thread was locked by devs from the beginning
    All issues have been brought up to many times Send an email u get a generic response regardless of how u word it.
    So yes perhaps a war boycott would be most effective
  9. Lmso at depriving them data . They have had a year of data and can't see the problem in front of their face.
  10. They have plenty of data ... A years worth and they know exactly wats wrong with the system ... The problem is they have waited so long to fix after early mistakes it's gotten to the breaking point and with no way to compete u ask clans who can't stack their rosters to continue to waste time effort and rl cash ? Just to give devs more of the same data they already have?
  11. It's my fault.. I keep farming that account at Kawbaits so they can't test it 
  12. With two seasons and 19 current wars i would conclude if no alterations are being currently made on the fly their would be no need for any further raw data.
  13. OP people are boycotting bc they do e war and still have the same problems with no matches and horrible lop sides match ups, clans getting matched with opponents they have 0% chance of beating, over and over, is why they want to boycott. The devs have ample data by now to fix problems