I think the devs should make a update that allows epic battle hits to NOT factor into your stats or achievements if ppl wanna hit EB that's fine by me but its when ppl like me who wanna PVP my stats and achievements but get stuck helping the clan I in and not just mooching a space is when it bugs me, I got my thief lvl 5 award on an epic battle do you kno how depressed that makes me I was hoping I could hit actual players for that but no I got it off an EB, not only that but players who only hit EB use there stats from that to gloat when in fact they didn't do a single PVP match probably when we work hard to actually hit battle list, please give me any views or opinions all are welcome just don't predjudice other posters who may respond to my forum thank u
@war4yourkaw it's called I'm not a noob and I kno how to use my stats to my advantage if I have lvl 2 castle and 1guild lvl 1 and stable lvl 1 I can attack starters plus I can put 10bill out at those stats and have the noobs hit me and get defender achievement perfect bait trick plus u can get the occasional rage quit if u lucky or you can be a nice guy and help them it all depends on how they respond to my hits if they are mean I won't help if they are nice ill apologize and help them out
Besides I never said 100% of that was PVP only about a 2/5 of that is which is y I wanna see PVP stats and EB stats separate bc that way I can kno how many to do to make my PVP far more then my EB
Great just what kaw needs another jack ass that wants to force new players to quit rather than help them learn what the games about. Good way to support the future of this game. Yay go tough guy. Sarcasm is for free btw.
And depends how they respond to hits? Yeah how would you respond if you'd just started playing and someone like you tried to farm you. Help them first. Prove you can hit a player your size or can't you actually face a fair fight. Just newbs that don't stand a chance? Frankly that's pathetic.
I hit, and if they say "**** you y the heck are you hitting me ill ****you up ******" or something like that ill hit then with a full regen then quit but if they say "will you pls stop" or "why are you hitting me" I will help them out and not hit (note:I censored the swear words bc I don't wanna be silenced)
And I'm not here to talk about my playing methods I'm here to see how many ppl think the stats should be separate
I don't believe it should be completely separate... but you have an idea there. I'd say, make the pvp count more, like say 3 actions to an eb's 1, rather than entirely scrapping ebs. EBs, however much we all hate it, are necessary indirectly for war and pvp