My Ode to my farmer ---W4sT3D_TiM3---

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Yoshihiko, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. ---W4sT3D_TiM3---... How's it going buddy?

    Let me start off by saying that it is so wonderful to be farmed by you! Your stats are so Big! They really shed light on how much of a noob I am and make me want to bow down to your awesomesauce!

    You have probably already caught on as to why I am making this thread. Its completely to praise your awesome Farming skills! I mean, that hitting from Pin is so Top notch! There is nothing I could do to defend myself against it!

    I still have no idea what I did to earn your wrath, but boy am I sorry that I incurred it! I know you haven't stripped me yet, and boy am I ever so afraid of that happening cause I know its coming and it makes me want to :cry: :cry: !

    I really want a CF, cause I know that you will never let up and never surrender to such a weak and small kingdom as I... and that I have no possible way of EVER defeating you in combat (Those out of pin hits really do a number on my feelings). So I will admit to being butthurt over your sheer brilliance and will concede this day to your superior tactics on the battlefield! So I think we should just move on and go our seperate ways.... You to farm someone else, and me to continue being a small stated nub that is 5x smaller then you...
    TL'DR? Well here is the small summary...
  2. First time in Forums.. and won't be the last
  3. So much win in this thread..Go OP!
  4. I don't know a nice way to say this....

    You suck.
  5. Hey op.

    Get out. Before I goddam pillage you and your family's rectums
  6. Not surprised that I do... I don't really post in forums (on any games)... this was a first for me. But it seems to be fun so far, so no reason why it should stop there :lol:
  7. Ooooooh.. that sounds rather painful... Would this be with or without something to bite down on?
  8. Should have seen the disappointment on my face when I realized you're a gh. You're parents may know the feeling
  9. Yes.. they were rather disappointed... I think my dad actually tried to drown me one time.. he called it 'Washing your hair'
  10. I have to give this kid a cookie. He/She is making me smile

  11. Oooh.. what type of cookie is it? I really like macadamia nuts!
  12. No support
  13. So you're keeping someone pinned? Or not? Because if they're self pinning, I can tell why you'd think they aren't fighting you in a full frontal assault "like a man", but if you're pinning them, then I'm confused. :?
  14. lmao :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    Op is a sh and he is complaining about size :p :p
    thats the worst thing ever man , no one is stopping u from growing , u want to stay small to win ee then stay small , why complain when u get whacked in osw ? <specially about ur size :lol:>

    btw the first to post on forums is generally losing it :p
  15. You are right that I chose to be a sh lol.. But you are wrong on two accounts... 1. I didn't complain about him being bigger, I simply stated that he was lol. If you can't understand the sarcasm in my text then, nothing I can tell you. 2. He's dtw to me, I'm bored.. so I had time to post on forums... Doesn't mean I am losing it, just means I have free time. Take that either way you want to.
  16. These responses are gold. Some how cookies dont seem good enough now, im going to start throwing boobs at this kid.
  17. I am a sucker for either one... They both taste amazing
  18. Seems like you really want a cf, you're just delivering it disguised in sarcasm so it doesn't hurt your pride as much.

    Also, here's a tip: posting this in forums probably WON'T decrease the chances of you being farmed 

    Good luck! Get more active. Even if you fail, fail after fail still fills his news. Perseverance, not cs.
  19. I will admit.. you are right about the fail after fail.. That tends to happen a lot more then I hope it would :geek: ... But this has nothing to do with wanting a CF.... To even have a cf would mean I know what I was being hit for.. I don't... and at this point I no longer care to know. The gold is virtual, I'm a sh so I make it back fast... Now I just want to be the annoying gnat that most SH (Not all) are depicted as