my main?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Noobicus_Maximus, Jul 17, 2013.

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  1. Everyone asking me to reveal my main. So lets set the record straight about what 99.9% of kaw would do when someone reveals main before they'd act

    1. You'd see what clan/alliance I was In and if it was one of the few big ones you'd do nothing at all besides try to maybe try to get me booted

    2. If I was in an alliance you felt comfortable attacking without much retribution,bc most of kaw are cowards who only start war with many at there back, you'd seek approval from your coucil or lords or bosses or whatever u call yours,and they would in turn have to get permission from their alliance leaders before any of you do crap.

    so lets face facts, all of you begging for my main like you'd go berserker style on me if I revealed it, would only act depending on many different variables so plz stop acting so hard like "it's on" if my main surfaces.

    We are given a game where you can attack anyone at anytime and have a big fun free for all where only the smartest and most dedicated survive. Instead you all clam up in alliances and only act when given permission and when many are at your back.

    If I'm wrong then riddle me this, if I revealed my main and it was a zaft boss highly respected (which it's not) and zaft chose to protect me, how many of you would do anything???????? *crickets*

    So the point being stop acting hard like your gonna unleash hell if a main comes out when I truth it would depend on many things whether you would grow a pair and back up your words
  2. Lol scared much ?
  3. Challenge accepted.
  4. So let me get this straight...

    1. Your main is crap.

    2. This is your main.

    3. You're a coward and don't want to tell us.

    I think it has to be 1 and 3 or 2 and 3 ;)
  5. So... What did I miss?
  7. There's nothing wrong with showing your main. Many don't care really just curious.
  8. Im scared of that alt, you got highlands completed (at least in achievements) and that equip is nothing a noob would have.
  9. I think this he just dropped stats
  10. It's me guys. I'm his main.

  11. Once again don't avoid the subject, how many of you would do anything ?
  12. Who the hell is this guy? And who's been asking about his main? Am sure the answer is no one.
  13. I said.

    Challenge accepted.

    Stop avoiding the subject. You lay all this down, then act like a little *****. Come on.
  14. You say what we will do ? You know perfectly whats going to happen unless your leader board your not untouchable
  15. He dropped his build.
  16. I also accept, atm I'm not in war clan. Have no other back up but I will hit
  17. Proo is getting annoying lol
  18. 1)nobody cares
    2) tat was your main and you drop build... do we look stupid to you
  19. Sinister you think I have main? Look at my alt in this clan xXxwarxXx..he was bc to worth almost 900b...I dropped him to nothing for fun,,you don't believe me I can prove it, my owner was bommanator who bought me with his alt Leroy Jenkins or whatever when I dropped stats then he dropped me when I didn't rebuild. Now I've done this to two accounts and you think I have no other ? :)
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