Kaw Build Today I will show you my build Get a level 2 Circle Of Elements Then buy 12 highlands and put a lvl 4 guild on each as you go! save up the 977mill and get a lvl 4 right away then you get you lvl 3 castle you should get a lvl 1 colony You have 3 choices! 1) save up 300b and convert all of your lowlands guilds to sos at once and then convert all the highland guilds to volaries 2) convert all guilds in lowland to lvl 3 sos 1 at a time then highland guilds to lvl 1 volaries 3) convert all highland guilds to volaries and then convert all lowland guilds all at once or one at a time to lvl 3 sos 4) continue buying highland and putting guilds on them and then do one of the above