My guide to kaw for noobs+

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Irisheddy, Apr 8, 2010.

  1. Ok so this is my first guild to the game.

    My build
    Ok so first of all whan your making your build you should make it whatever way suits you, a balanced build does work very well though

    my allies
    allies are other people in the game that you can hire for a stat bonus anso this maxes your plunder. These allies only stay as yours untill they are bought away.

    Max plunder
    you allie plunder bonus depends on two things: your build and your allies, your build sets your max plunder and your allies make you get that money.

    the rule for farming is not over 5 hits it is not over 10 hits, it is attacking constantly every day and hour

    clans are the thing you should try to join at the very start, clans will protect you from farmers and also give you farms
  2. I don't think you get to set the rule for farming ;)

    If most people think that more than 5 hits is farming, then a noob should follow that rule, if he/she does not want to get in trouble.
  3. That isnt set someone just made that rule up
  4. It's true that the rule is not set in stone. And, personally, I agree with you on that.

    However, most clans do consider it farming when one of their members is attacked more than 5 times, and the whole clan retaliates. Therefore, if you want to write a guide for noobs, I would think that it would wise to let them know that, even if you do not consider it farming, most people do, and they should be careful when hitting someone more than 5 times in a day.

    Otherwise, they'll get into trouble fast, and I don't think that saying "I read it in Irisheddy's guide for noobs" will help them much :mrgreen:
  5. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

    What an ultra noob!
  6. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

    What an in-depth guide!
  7. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

    Lol i dont even remember posting this, it deserves to be trolled.
  8. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

    Look out dillybar! Actually, no. Don't look out.......
  9. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

    Dilly copied me! Look at the date! Lol
  10. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

  11. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

  12. Re: My guide to kaw for noobs

    Lol "whan"