My Free Verse

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Seth, Apr 3, 2015.

  1. My free verse poem, titled Braces Suck.

    Braces suck,

    My teeth hurt,

    The end.

    Inspired by my dear friend Gustavo.
  2. Apology accepted
  3. I dabbed my eyes while reading this.
    It's -it's just so amazing and emotional.
    How did you get your feelings onto paper this well?
  4. I thought you retired :roll:
  5. Only on April 1
  6. Can you do one about dentures please?.. May be a haiku?
  7. The was an old man

    He had very white, bright dentures

    Rested in water
  8. There would work
  9. Forgot your dentures?

    Just gum your sweetie girl's lips

    Don't forget condom
  10. I hear that gummers

    From older people is for

    Real the best
  11. Ouch. Never had them. I couldn't eat candy or anything unhealthy tell I was 14. Had strict parents. I'm actually grateful.