I Need characters. The theme Is that a plane crashed into a jungle in a mega island, there's a ton of hostile natives all over the island. I need 10 characters. (it's modern day) Males and females needed. 2 businessman/woman 1 pilot 1 co-pilot 1 engineer 5 tourists with different skills Needed info- Name, Bio, age, body make up, what they brought with them, also their skills and professions. Any help from experienced storywriters please follow me.
Here's the prologue- It was a seemingly perfect day for flying as the pilot lifted off the runway with 23 total occupants, what they didn't know to many of them this would be their last day of life as a huge gale of wind pushed them off course. Screams rang through the remaining survivor's as the plane crashed into a jungle. 13 died on impact, 10 survived the crash but how many will meet their doom here?
You asked for help from experienced writers. You obviously aren't serious if you can't take criticism.
Play how bout this then feather. After I have the characters I'll post a feed back thread for Stranded. And you can criticize as much as you want there. Deal? And yes I'm serious about this.
This is a thread for people to have fun with using their imaginations for my first story. So can we please not make it a arguing thread. That'd be greatly appreciated.
I'm asking for people to put character ideas for the story. So please post characters you can think of for this.
Omg it's a small mistake guys all he really wanted for us to comment on was a casting reply so whatever just leave it alone
Just as a tip, I'm not being critical as this is your first time, you normally want to organize it like I need: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Personality: Bio: So that they know the format and it's easier to read. Good luck
Haha nice way of phrasing it- Casting sounds cool. Okay I'll give some tips. Feather's was just clarifying for anyone who might be planning to make a bio, so dont get angry. Heres a good tip: dont ask for too many sign-ups because it gets hard to keep track of them and you dont want to be juggling around 9 characters. Especially if its your first try, aim for two or three main ones that you can really focus in on. If youre doing the 2-3 characters, my bad, but it looks like you're aiming for several. My favorite piece of advice: Try to make friends instead of enemies. Its good to have some friends you can talk with and trust. It sucks to have enemies hating on you everywhere you post. So there lol. And it's good to be on FH's good side. He's usually a nice guy, help person, and loyal buddy. Don't talk to him when he's Jasper though xD iZaln
Eh?! Drunk or horny?! Wth... how would you know... Oh wait... I probably forget when I'm drunk... But you're with me :shock: :shock: :shock: iZaln